The play kicks off when a 17th century theatrical character, a Marquesa de Lope de Vega, for example, runs into the theatre's tattooed technician and falls in love with him. From then on, chaos takes over the play and all the conventions are blown up, entering and leaving the time of the stage and the time of the performance through a kind of wormhole through which circulate a maid, a feminist minstrel, an assistant director, a projected text, an expert (not me, I think), a Cuban astrologer, some extras and a Greek chorus made up of three people who follow the other characters repeating what they say and feel.
direction Cris Blanco
Interpretation: Cris Blanco y Óscar Bueno
Acompañamiento artístico: Anto Rodríguez, Óscar Bueno
Dramaturgy: Cris Blanco, Rocío Bello, Anto Rodríguez, Óscar Bueno
Ojo externo: Roberto Fratini
Música original: Óscar Bueno
Diseño de luces/Coordinación técnica: Montse Piñeiro y Cristina Bolivar
Diseño de sonido: Carlos Parra
Ayudante de vestuario: Oriol Corral
Production Ariadna Miquel
Asistente de Producción: Andrea Balaguer
Teaser: Nacho Garbe/ Mila Ercoli
Fotografía: MIla Ercoli
Hello, I am Cris Blanco, it is 12 March 2022 and I am writing this text from my mother's house, where I grew up, looking out of the window at the Bravo Murillo public school where I spent 8 years. On TV they say that it was 2 years ago yesterday that the pandemic was declared. So 2 years ago I started to think about this play, well I don't know if it is this play you are going to see today... I started to think about a very big play, Grandissima Illusione it was called. With very good actorsqw (sorry for the mistake, while I was writing this sentence my dog stepped on the keyboard) with a corps de ballet, a live chorus... it was a large-scale play, with large stage sets recycled from big productions of the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya.
Well, I still don't know if they will leave me the scenographies, because all this is the idea I have in the past, your past, which is my present, and I write this for the future, which is when you are reading this text.
In my head is the play with the Marquise of the 16th century, the Juglara, the Cuban Astrologer, the Technical Machinist, the Extras, the Greek Chorus, the Theatrical Expert, the Text... there was the eclipse, the time travel and the elusive zone... And all to tell the story of inter-temporal love and the class struggle!
It began with an exciting prelude of the orchestra in complete darkness (alas, I hope I finally got the money to see the orchestra live...) the scene of the Marquise and the maid, the actress who plays the maid, who sometimes hits everyone to speak in verse, using a perverse trick, while outside the weather is adverse and there is no universo.... left.
What was I telling you? Wait, how long have I been writing this text? How many days have I been at my mother's house? Is there anything left outside? Are you still there? Hopefully you are and you're about to see Grandissima Illusione.
Licenciada en Interpretación Gestual por la RESAD en 2002, desde que salió de la escuela escribe y dirige sus propias obras y trabaja como intérprete en danza, teatro y cine.
Algunos de sus trabajos escénicos son cUADRADO_fLECHA_pERSONA qUE cORRE (2004), The set Up (2008), ciencia_ficción (2010), El Agitador Vórtex (2014), Bad Translation (2016), Pelucas en la Niebla (2018) y Grandíssima Illusione (2022). Junto a Jorge Dutor y Guillem Mont de Palol creó las obras Lo mínimo y Lo pequeño (2019)
En octubre de 2023 estrenó Pequeño Cúmulo de Abismos en el CDN.
Ha tenido la suerte de contar con la producción de El Mercat de les Flors, el CDN, La Villette de Paris, el Festival GREC, Centro Condeduque y Le Phénix entre otros y ha presentado sus trabajos en festivales, museos y teatros nacionales e internacionales como La Biennale de la Dance de Lyon, Theatre Saint Gervais y Beursschouwburg en Ginebra, DDD Porto, La Filature, ICEncontro Salvador de Bahía y 8:BOOM Seoul entre otros.
Le gusta mucho el cine, especialmente la ciencia-ficción, y su trabajo escénico bebe mucho de este género, además de las artes plásticas, la música y la baja cultura. Le interesan los mecanismos del propio teatro y sus convenciones, el humor, la mezcla de géneros y formatos y especialmente la relación con el público.
GREC 2022