This story was born out of a very specific personal expressive need, but like all stories it ends up being the one that imposes itself to be told. For many years I have wondered at what point a love story goes wrong and makes a total turn towards absolute hatred and destruction.
Vanesa Espín
Elena González, Concha Delgado, Laura Galan, Paula Iwasaki, Rebeca Hernando
Text and address: Vanessa Espín
Scenography: Elisa Yrezabal
Costumes: Almudena Bautista
Movement: Amaya Galeote
Lighting: Raúl Baena, Bela Nagy
Assistant directors: Violeta Rodríguez y Alexandru Stanciu
Communication María Díaz
Coordination of production and distribution: Elena Martínez
Poster design Mario Pérez Azcona
Production Fundación Juan codina y La Promesa
La Promesa Company
Eva is a woman victim of gender violence who is almost recovered and about to start a new life. Gregorio has just been released from prison after trying to murder Eva.
A judge has said that he is now rehabilitated, he can keep his two children. Now Eva has to decide whether to trust the man who has been abusing her for fourteen years and almost killed her, whether to return to him to protect her children, or whether to run away with them, fleeing from justice and becoming a fugitive.
This story tells us the journey that Eva has to make in order to save her life and that of her children. The terrible struggle between the law and its application and human law.